12 Sep

Note, this recipe is so adaptable and most veg would go nicely, so use what you've got in the fridge, rather than go out and buy stuff for this recipe. This version is very plain and kid friendly but would be lovely with a little addition of some spice (for example dried chilli, curry powder, fennel seeds and cumin seeds)

2 block GF DF pastry

2 egg (beaten)

Filling (chop veg 'chunkily' and make sure everything is about the same size): 

1 red onion 

2 large cloves of grated or finely chopped garlic 

1 cup butternut squash

2 large carrots

2 sticks of celery (incl leaves)

2 cups leafy greens (I used pak choi)

1/2 cup sweetcorn

2 cups fresh tomatoes

1 tin chopped tomato

1 GF veg stock cube

1 cup water

1 tbsp tahini

1) in a heavy bottomed pan, sweat onions and garlic in a little oil. Once softened, add the hardier veg (in this case: butternut squash, carrot, celery) and cook on low to medium heat for 5-7 minutes.

2) add tomatoes, leafy greens, tinned tomato, stock cube and water. Also add salt and pepper (and an optional drizzle of balsamic or sherry vinegar)

3) cook under a lid at a low heat, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are cooked and most of the liquid has been absorbed (think the thickness of a bolognaise sauce)

4) roll out the pastry and cut circles using either a cutter, bowl or mug in the size you want.

5) fill a little of the mixture into the centre of your pastry circles and fold over. Press down the edges with a fork and brush with the egg

6) place in oven a 200 degrees until the pastry is cooked (cooking time will depend on the size of your pastries 

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